Home - Clockwork Engineering

Engineering Software
Unprecedented analysis speed, tailored for offshore applications.

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Structural Solver

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Environmental Loading

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Spectral Decomposition

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Model Building Interface

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Post-processing outputs

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Jack-Up Analysis

Fully leverage the speed and flexibility of our programmes.
Make light of the most challenging analyses.

Offshore operation analysis and design experience
Large number of detailed load cases
Rapid pre- and post-processing development
Staggering in-house and cloud analysis power
Automatic reporting expertly approved

Our Story
We're colleagues, who became mates, who became partners,
who are changing the pace of offshore structural analyses.

Manuel Arriaga

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Naval architect with a strong fluid dynamics background. Proficient in modelling fluid interaction with structures.
Experienced in structural analysis of offshore assets.

Our Partners & Clients

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Jan de Nul
A global offshore and nearshore marine contractor, owning a large fleet of construction vessels.

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Engineering consultancy with over 30 years experience, specialising in the design of offshore wind and oil & gas infrastructure.

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Wood Thilsted
Offshore renewables consultancy and wind farm designer with a global structural and geotechnical engineering track record.

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AqualisBraemar LOC
Publicly listed marine, engineering and adjusting consultancy to the renewables, maritime, oil and gas and power sectors. (OSE: Aqua)